As the Kettle Boils

Stories between Bremen and Botrivier

Hardcover, 114 pages, 148x210mm
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About the book

In history 2020 will surely go down as the year ‘where nothing went according to plan’!  

On a worldwide scale, a pandemic of uncertainty, immeasurable morbidity, and an ominous pause. The world was put on mute! Like the rest of the world, Frank and Charmaine had exhilarating plans, carefully crafted itineraries, and ambitious dreams.  Then a very sudden fullstop.  

In this strange time of restrictions, the only freedom they found was in sharing daily encouragements, inspirations, and positive observations.  With 10 000km between Bremen, where Frank lives, and Botrivier, Charmaine’s home, the only means to share these moments were through daily pictures captured.  

In the words of Nobel Peace winner Elie Wiesel, “even in darkness it is possible to create light and encourage compassion.”   This little coffee table book is a hopeful reminder of how humans can support each other despite circumstances or distance; of the shared sacrifices that connected us to each other as well as our larger communities.
We have collected the thoughts and ideas that accompanied our
days during Spring and Summer 2020.

Content of the book

Our thoughts and ideas needed some order:



The act of looking at something from all sides, then pausing to allow the answer to present itself.
Thinking deeply about information, situations or concepts. Mining the meaning of daily thoughts, and one's beliefs around them. According to Plato, the soul ascends to knowledge of the Divine through contemplation.



The increase in microscopic organisms that starts the process of something enlarging in size.
An act or process that supports development.
When growing stops, regression starts.



The result of organising and applying the senses to find an explanation.
The use of intuition to gain insight and understanding.
We adjust our perception according to our emotions, motivations and experiences.



The state of confidently expecting a positive outcome in  life, or for the world.
Hope is the most valuable attraction in life.
Hope is the promise of a better future.

Meet the Authors

Charmaine Beukes - Always outside in nature, especially South Africa,  and never without a view of the inside.

A change of perspective is her drive to understand life and people. After a wonderful yoga class she likes to go for a walk in the morning. As a Hata Yoga teacher, she refreshes mind and body in the headstand.

And with her distinctive way of doing things, she mainly pushes social projects, whereby Charmaine always has the good in mind.   

This book is a declaration of love to life together with her fellow human beings.
Frank Wardenberg - Born and bred in Germany, but ever curious to explore new terrains and cultures.

A philanthropist at heart, he is involved in various charitable projects where he generously donates his time, energy and resources.  Along with this, his greatest joy is being an involved father to two well-balanced young adults.

As an optimist Frank sees opportunity in challenging situations, his conviction that it is his attitude that will make the difference is transmissible to those that share his life.

Through his lens he shows us life from his viewpoint, his focus, his commitment, and his deep belief in the possibility of a better tomorrow for all of us.
And these numbers express the project in a special way...




10.000 km




It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting, he thought, as he looked again at the position of the sun, and hurried his pace.

Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

"... never tire to grow, to be patient, sympathetic, tender, to look for the budding flower, the opening heart ... always hope..."

Amiel's Journal

Mrs. Humphrey Ward

Hardcover, 114 pages, 148x210mm
Buy in Germany
in EUR
EUR 15,95
plus shipping EUR 3,95
Buy in South Africa
in ZAR
ZAR 200
plus shipping ZAR 50
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